Evil circumstances are changed into good when they are received with an enduring trust in the love of God, while good circumstances may be changed into evil when we become attached to them through the love of self. Nothing in us or around us is truly good until we become detached from the world and totally abandoned to God. So, even though you are now in these bad circumstances, put yourself confidently and without reserve into His hand. I would give anything to see you in better circumstances. But if evil circumstances have taught you to be sick of the love of the world, then that is good. That love of self which the world advocates, is a thousand times more dangerous than any poison. I pray for you with all my heart.
on a lighter note Here is Princess Dannah in the middle and the other princess and Queen of Homecomingthree beauties: Dannah (now 17) on the right:
22 October 2010
True Goodness Is Only Reached by Abandonment by Francois Fenelon
Posted by Jane Jane at 13:41 0 comments
14 September 2010
Amy Charmichael
I ran across some very good quotes by Amy Carmichael recently that I thought I would share:
"If I can easily discuss the shortcomings and the sins of any; if I can speak in a casual way even of a child's misdoings, then I know nothing of Calvary Love."
"If my attitude be one of fear and not faith about one who has disappointed me, if I cay 'Just what I expected,' if a fall occurs, then I know nothing of Calvary love."
"If I sympathize weakly with weakness and say to one who is turning back from the cross, 'pity thyself'; if I refuse such a one the sympathy that braces and the brave and heartening word of comradeship, then I know nothing of Calvary love."
Posted by Jane Jane at 15:43 0 comments
01 August 2010
Wonderful Wyoming
Wyoming was great this year.
We had a fantastic reunion with lots of history- at the Spear-O-Ranch in Wyoming.
An incredible 23 mile hike up Cloud Peak for the kids, cousins, Uncle John and Jonathan. Then later we watched the miracle of Daylon's baptism. What a great summer.Sisters on the top of the world.
At the top of Cloud Peak.
Sharing some licorice by the lake.
Posted by Jane Jane at 11:14 1 comments
22 May 2010
Track season is a VERY FULL season indeed. All three of my kids are involved in different track programs. Every week there are at least 3 track meets and sometimes 4. Glad to be able to write again. Thanks for your prayers:
Darragh was accepted to Capenray, Australia- to enter January 2011!!! Congrats Darragh! You have made it over some hurdles this year. I am so excited for you. Living in Australia is going to be SO good for you.
Dannah made state in pole vaulting. ONE more meet to try to make it over 11' this year. We are so blessed that she made it to state - as 2 of the best girls in the state happen to be in our district. Congrats!
Daylon was asked to give a speech at the "Bagels and Books" breakfast for the Gresham/Barlow educational foundation. YAY. DO good little brother! Congrats!
Posted by Jane Jane at 16:01 0 comments
06 April 2010
05 March 2010
These are my meditations for the week- maybe even month.
The Lord is near to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. The Lord watches over all who love Him.
Psalm 145
The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
Psalm 145
He will call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
Psalm 91:15
God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1
You will make known to me the path of life; In your presence is the fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forever.
Psalm 16:11
Posted by Jane Jane at 16:32 0 comments
08 February 2010
Honestly, I am embarrassed to have not posted for so long. I have begun a poem, a story, a Bible truth I have meditated on but have not finished any of them. Sooooo...... Hmm...... Well. I guess I will tell you in a rough form what I have been contemplating recently....~some of Jesus' last words before He went to the cross. As He was praying for His disciples He said to the Father in John 17:12
"While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled. "
I never thought about it before. I asked myself What did Jesus mean by protecting them? ...keeping them safe? Why is that so important to me? Because, I also have children- physical and spiritual.... Will I be able to say the same thing when I am about to die and am turning the kingdom over to the next soldiers?
Some answers came a few verses later in John 17:15-18 : "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world."
So, I am not to protect them from being in the world, but as they go in the world let them be taught what it means to become set apart. How amazing that Jesus also had to pray for the Father to protect them from the evil one. WOW. SO if Jesus had to pray it then I must pray it for all of those the Lord has given me.
Well, lots to think about. What are the ways Jesus protected them...besides teaching them truth, praying for them, becoming set apart Himself as He walked in the world in order to show them how to do that themselves ( vs. 19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified)? Who all would that include- just the 12 or more? What does it mean to protect them from the evil one?... that they would not turn against Jesus? ...that they would always walk in His ways?....that they would not fall into sin?
I suppose we all must ask ourselves this question. Who are those He has truly given us to watch over and do we get sidetracked with others He has not given us? We should not feel we must take care of everyone- for we cannot!
Libby, I would like your thoughts too on all of this. (love ya girl!)
ps... this was written while boys were wrestling, guitars were playing and husband was munching and talking. HA. I hope it makes sense.
Posted by Jane Jane at 22:23 1 comments
14 January 2010
More Sudan Pics
I haven't had time to write. Maybe tonight.
Here are a few pictures of Africa. The Sudanese are amazing! Sorry but there were several more pictures I had wanted to put on the post but Blogger was acting up on me.
Pumping the well with the children.
Enjoying filling the water containers with the children.
I have been in numerous outdoor squatty potties over the years having lived in China, even some with millions of maggots but never one with a grass thatched roof so I was excited to use this bathroom. I jumped in and before i could even begin my duty I heard something above my head moving- either slithering or crawling- I looked up and I do believe (Jonathan seems to doubt me) I saw the belly of a snake- YIKES. Now, I am NOT Joy Forney. I have not completely overcome my fear of snakes nor of big spiders so I ran. Later, i was told that the day before there had been a poisonous snake just about 20 feet away from the hut.
Here are a couple of homes nearby CLIS_ Christian Leadership Institute of Sudan
Here is a young handsome 13 year old. I took this picture so that Daylon could see a sudanese 13 year old boy.
Posted by Jane Jane at 14:10 0 comments