09 May 2009

Good 'Ol Texas

Ok. I know it has been a long time and I've got lots on my mind that I would love to share. Yes. Pouring myself out for those things which are worthy. Loving my kids. Thankful, oh so thankful for them. God is good.

I haven't given up on writing my LOL part4. But priorities are priorities, they are joys as well.

Meanwhile, Dannah and I took a break and went to Texas to visit my sister and good 'ol Texas friends. I miss them Oh so much as well as TEXAS. I have never considered myself a True Texan simply because I have never suffered the symptoms of Texamania which are:

1. A growing sensation of unhappiness whenever a foot crosses the border from Texas to another state.

2. A strong need to secede from the United States.

3. Consideration that everything is bigger and better in Texas- (however portions of food in a restaurant really are bigger in Texas!!)

4. A strong need to dine out every night.

- I am sure I could think of more if I had time. One thing I do miss is the heat and sunshine.

This is my "truth" friend. Shana. She is not afraid of speaking the truth to me. Everyone needs a truth friend. - And I love her as my sister:

My physical sister, Becky. I love her much!