09 May 2008


To explore the whole nature of prejudism expands way beyond black and white, rich or poor, young or old. It's center is the core heart in each of us. Consider that each human is raised with certain values, practices, dreams to hope for, convictions all boiling down to world view. At the center of each of us we sacredly hold true to what we deeply have been convinced of. When we encounter one of another kind (which really is everyone and anyone) if we have not been taught differently we humans tend to judge those others according to our personal standard. Next is a little story which illustrates .....


♥Carrie~Margaret♥ said...

i was raised with a brother who has special needs.. so growing up with him & the other kids like him had me being prejudice to the people who didn't accept people like my brother & his friends.. i couldn't at the time understand nor do i now why people are even prejudice to people with needs.. i always think.."Don't we all have needs in one way or another? isn't that called being human?" PONDER? PONDER? anywho, i hope y'all are doing wonderful.. i have y'all always in my prayers. Much love always!! & God bless! ><>

Stylib38 said...

Loved you post here sister. just finished THE SHACK. Very thought provoking. Ijust read your hubby's post on it and i'm going to look up the scriptures. Let me know if you hear of any discussion groups. Love ,me